
  • Landscaping

    Raspberries are often used as an edible screen, supported by a fence, trellis, or wire system. A simple teepee or pyramid system of 3-5 straight canes is effective. In addition, there also is a dwarf variety (Mini-Me™) that is great for container growing.

  • Culinary & Nutrition

    With the delicate unique flavour that Raspberries have, they are a delight to eat straight from the plant, any that haven’t been eaten…!! can be used in smoothies, jam, desserts and in sauces. They are high in antioxidants, fibre, vitamin C and folate.

  • Growing Conditions

    Raspberries prefer an open sunny position, if possible, protect from the afternoon sun. Exposure to wind is fine, although will not tolerate salt. Chilling hours are required; if you can grow an apple, you can grow Raspberries. Plant in rich soil with good drainage and use a good mulch. Prune out dead and old fruited canes.

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